Actually, it still is…rugged, dependable and easiest lineman interface ever designed in a digital control. Yes, we still rebuild them. However, in a lot of your installations, you may need more…you would like to have reverse power operation (even if there is no input PT in the regulator) and your regs are still to young to trade in, but too old to justify spending a fortune on new controls.

If this is your situation we have a perfect fit for you: The CL-5E. The 5E is the same size, shape, and plug-connection configuration as the CL-4 with the same keypad interface. It drops into your existing cabinet. It does give you more metering functions than the CL-4, but mainly it offers you BI-DIRECTIONAL operation on your existing regulator. With included source voltage calculation, you do not need an input-side PT.

We have a limited quantity of rebuilt CL-5E’s on the shelf, ready to drop into your regulators. These controls are priced at $850 each (plus shipping) or 775.00 each if you buy 3.

First Come, First Served!