Why Choose Shewmaker Electronics? (Not a quick answer, it has its own page…click to view)

What is your normal turnaround time?  10-14 days

Do we need to get an RMA number to send something in?  NO!  However, please make sure you have some sort of packing list enclosed so we know where the device was sent from, and who to contact.  Believe it or not, we get two or three “orphans” in every year!

What is your warranty?  One year on control rebuilds.  120 Days on test equipment repairs (they get banged around in the field).  The RB-2 GE replacement board we manufacture carries a two year warranty.

How do I pay for a repair?  Visa/MC purchasing cards, we will accept PO’s from all power companies.  In short, whatever way makes it easier for you.

What are your terms and conditions? These are printed in our price list.  If you don’t have a copy, please request one at info@ShewmakerElectronics.com

What is your pricing like? If you search around the web for others who do similar services and do publish their prices, you will find that on most items we are much more economical.  Our prices are semi-fixed.  The only adders we place are for plug-in relays (often missing), operations counters, transformers (a “factory” item) and factory microprocessor chips (again, another “factory” item).  90% of our outgoing rebuilds do not need any of the extras.  You can request a copy of our pricing guide via email.  info@ShewmakerElectronics.com.

Can you work on items not on the web pages or in your price list?  Maybe.  Everything on our list was a “new” item for us at some time.  If you have a question, send us a description and photo from your smart phone, along with whatever model number you can find.